Old Testament Survey

Lesson 34Daniel (Part 5)


With this lesson, we conclude our look at Daniel’s visions and God’s prophecies regarding the end of the "time of the Gentiles" and the return of Christ and the establishment of His Millennial reign; and we will examine some of the prophesies concerning the Anti-Christ—"The King who exalts himself"—as recorded in Daniel Chapters 11 and 12.

Daniel’s last prophesy is about the rule of the Anti-Christ, his defeat, the return of Christ as the King of Kings, and the restoration of the nation of Israel following the "time of The Gentiles".

Read Daniel 11:36 - 12:13, and consider the following:

  1. This king, described in Daniel 11:36-39, is different than any king before him. What are some the things that he will do which will set him apart from all previous kings?
  2. When will the Anti-Christ speak unheard of things against God and for how long? (Revelation 12:5-7)
  3. Could the Anti-Christ be a Muslim, a follower of Islam? (Daniel 11:36-37)
  4. Who is the "one desired by all women"? (Daniel 11:37)
  5. The Anti-Christ establishes himself "in the beautiful land", meaning Israel; and for a short time is king over all the people. (Revelation 13:7-8) But what does Daniel tell us will happen next? (Daniel 11:44-45, Revelation 16:12 and Daniel 9:13-16)
  6. In Daniel 12:1, Daniel is told about a time of distress that is coming for "your people". What "people" is the prophecy referring to?
  7. What event is described in Daniel 12:2-3, and when will it happen?
  8. Daniel 12:4-13 concludes with the Angel explaining to Daniel what is to come, and how long it will take, once the "daily sacrifice is abolished" and "the abomination that causes desolation" is set up. What is this referring to and how long will this last?

The visions and prophecies that God reveals to us through Daniel provide us with a roadmap of God’s plan for redeeming his people and for setting up Christ’s Millennial Kingdom. Through them, we can have a better understanding of much of end-time prophecy; and we can have faith that God is in control, and His Son Jesus truly is the only way of salvation.

Have a great week everyone, and thanks again for studying with us.

In Christ,



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