
Lesson 8Life and Relationships in the Resurrected Earth


Over the next several lessons, we will be finishing our study of Heaven, with an overview of Sections 8 through 12 of Randy Alcorn’s book, "Heaven". In these sections of his book, Randy addresses specific questions that people ask about Heaven.

Following the final judgment of man, and the defeat of the final enemy, Death; those who have been saved and raised with resurrected bodies will live on a new earth and a new heaven where God will live among them (and us). In the course of this lesson, we will be covering Sections 8 through 10, and we will be addressing such logical questions as, "What will the resurrected earth be like?", "What will our lives be like?", and "What will our relationships be like?"

Let’s examine the answers to these three broad questions in our study this week.

  1. What does John 14:2-3 tell us about the coming new earth and our new home?
  2. What will the new earth be like? How is it described in scripture? What do the passages below tell us about the new earth?
    1. Ezekiel 36:35
    2. Isaiah 51:3
    3. Isaiah 35:1
    4. Isaiah 55:13
    5. Isaiah 65:17
    6. Isaiah 66:22
    7. 2 Peter 3:10-13
    8. Revelation 21:1-4
    9. Revelation 21:23
  3. Once we are living on the new earth, what will our lives be like? What will relationships be like? And what will it be like to actually live in this new earth in our new home? What do the following passages reveal about living in the new earth?
    1. Revelation Chapters 21 and 22
    2. Genesis 2:9, Gen 3:23-24, and Revelation 2:7
  4. What will we physically be like as we live on the new earth in the new city of Jerusalem? What do the following passages tell us?
    1. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
    2. Job 19:26-27
    3. Luke 24:39

From our quick look at the passages above, we see that our new heavenly home will be a physical place built and created for us by Christ. It will have many of the same components found in the Garden of Eden: vegetation, fruit trees, rivers, and the presence of God. Just as with Adam and Eve, we will then have a relationship with God in a way that we have not yet experienced; as He comes to live and reign among us, heaven and earth all in the same place. What a glorious picture! What an exciting world to look forward to!

We also learned that everything that we will experience will happen in our resurrected bodies, and it will be each of us individually who experience it as ourselves, just as Job stated. We will have duties to perform, responsibilities to manage, relationships with everyone in heaven, feasts, meals, celebrations and worship like we have never before experienced. It will indeed be a perfect place, and one in which we will be perfectly at home living with God and His Son Jesus, the Christ.

Have a great week everyone.

In Christ,



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